Adult classes are ongoing. Students purchase a class card and the card can be used for your choice of class. You do not need a partner or previous experience to enroll in a class.
Like us on Facebook or check our website for details closer to the dance party date. Come early for a dance lesson and stay for the dance party. Or, join in on any of our dance classes in advance to learn the dance moves and then show off at the parties. Admission for dance parties is $10.
All levels. No partner or experience necessary. Classes for adults who want to learn how to dance tango. Classes are followed by an evening Milonga.
Tango based work out.
Especially for the beginner who would like the basics. Students are welcome to stay and join the Practica (tango practice) after class.
No partner or experience necessary. Classes for adults who want to learn basic steps and partner work, including shines. Classes are followed by dance parties.
with Debra
Looking for a special location to host your dance party, birthday, anniversary, etc...? Theatre Dance Centre is a unique and beautiful space. The studio is available to rent some evenings and Sunday afternoons. We can even provide a teacher for a dance lesson in Tango, Salsa, Blues, Swing, or Lindy Hop to your guests to get the event off to a lively start. Email Kathleen kathleen@theatredancectr.com to inquire.
Additional Teaching Staff to be Announced
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